HABORYM - Desecration Of God (Ep)
1. Wrath of Satan
2. Reverend of Mutilation
3. Suffering Insanity
4. Crown of Thorns (Live)
1. Wrath of Satan
2. Reverend of Mutilation
3. Suffering Insanity
4. Crown of Thorns (Live)
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Your job as a future mother is to learn the god's ways and to help your child understand despite the negative reinforcement and conditioning of today's society. Without consciousous parents the child will have no hope, and may even exaserbate their disfavor by becoming corrupted in today's environment.
Your ultimate goal is to fix your relationship wiith the gods and move on. You don't want to be comfortable here, and the changes in Western society in the last 100 years has achieved just that.
1000 years with Jesus is the consolation prize. Don't be deceived into thinking that is the goal.
The gods tempt people for which they are most weak. Artificial Intelligence will create desire in people's minds for the following sins:::
1. Alcohol
2. Drugs
3. Preditory "earning"
4. Homosexuality
5. Gambling
6. Something for nothing/irresponsibility (xtianity)
7. Polygamy/superiority over women/misogyny (Islam)
Much like the other prophets Mohhamed (polygamy/superiority over women/misogyny) and Jesus (forgiveness/savior), the gods use me for temptation as well. In today's modern society they feel people are most weak for popular culture/sensationalism, and the clues date back to WorldWarII and Unit731:TSUSHOGO, the Chinese Holocaust.
It has been discussed that, similar to the Matrix concept, the gods will offer a REAL "Second Coming of Christ", while the "fake" Second Coming will come at the end and follow New Testiment scripture and their xtian positioning. I may be that real Second Coming.
What I teach is the god's true way. It is what is expected of people, and only those who follow this truth will be eligible to ascend into heaven as children in a future life. They offered this event because the masses have just enough time to work on and fix their relationship with the gods and ascend, to move and grow past Planet Earth, before the obligatory xtian "consolation prize" of "1000 years with Jesus on Earth" begins.
The Prince of Darkness, battling the gods over the souls of the Damned.
It is the gods who have created this environment and led people into Damnation with temptation. The god's positioning proves they work to prevent people's understanding.
How often is xtian dogma wrong? Expect it is about the Lucifer issue as well.
The fallen god, fighting for justice for the disfavored, banished to Earth as the fallen angel?
I believe much as the Noah's Flood event, the end of the world will be initiated by revelry among the people. Revelry will be positioned to be sanctioned by the gods and led for "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".
In light of modern developments this can entail many pleasures:::Medicine "cures" aging, the "manufacture" of incredible beauty via cloning as sex slaves, free (synthetic) cocaine, etc.
Somewhere during the 1000 years the party will start to "die off", literally. Only those who maintain chaste, pure lifestyles will survive the 1000 years. They will be the candidates used to (re)colonize (the next) Planet Earth, condemned to relive the misery experienced by the peasantry during Planet Earth's history.
If this concept of Lucifer is true another role of this individual may be to initiate disfavor and temptation among this new population, the proverbial "apple" of this Garden of Eden. A crucial element in the history of any planet, he begins the process of deterioration and decay that leads civilizations to where Planet Earth remains today.
Only children go to heaven. By the time you hit puberty it is too late. This is charecteristic of the gods:::Once you realize what you have lost it is too late.
Now you are faced with a lifetime to work to prepare for your next chance. Too many will waste this time, getting stoned, "Hiking!", working, etc.
Desecrate the gods.
The 20th century devestated our society and our cultures so severely to meet their strategy that the gods incurred obligation for what they did to the people. In compensation the gods gave the people this Situation, the Chosen One who teaches the "meaning of life", which the gods defended vigorously, plus the "consolation prize", the promise of 1000 years with Jesus on Planet Earth.
Telepathically "pushed" into violating their values and morals the gods washed their hands of obligation to the people as cheaply and easily as they possibly could.
The gods washed their hands WITH me then washed their hands OF me.
MY "consolation prize" is "coming back". Not reincarnation, for we ALL experience this being a matter of policy and procedure, but "coming back" on the scale of the gods:::A new "colonist" on the next Planet Earth. And, if they choose, they will manufacture a way to get out of this obligation as well.
Let me share with you some of the monsterous things the gods have done in the recent past::::
2. Discussed Haitian child slavery problem. Had a slavery complex in my family, perpetuated from parents into the next generation. Considered a parent's possible reincarnation as a Haitian child slave. Shortly thereafter 25,000 dead in 2009 earthquake.
3. Badmouth crappy Chilean fruit. 2009 Earthquake.
4. 2002 Cozumel vacation. Wilma parks on the prime diving area (SW) of the island and hammers the reefs for 40 full hours.
5. Hurricane Andrew
6. Hurricane Hugo
7. Trip to followed by the 2006 Hawaiian earthquake days later.
8. 2004 trip to Bourbon Street's hedonistic Fat Tuesday followed by 2005 Hurricane Katrina (name clue).
9. 1999 trip to Grand Cayman. Hurricane Ivan devistates the reef, the Queen's Garden and proceeds to slice up the middle of the state of Alabama months after my visit.
10. The town I stayed in experienced a tornado which killed almost a dozen.
This list goes on and on and on.
The gods having fun with the Situation through killing playing their fucking games:::
2. Salon Meritage, 8 dead
3. Speed Freak Killers, dozens dead, which was used to inspire Beavis and Butthead.
4. Costa Concordia, Sch captain, 30 dead.
The morbidly disfavored Mediterreanean was used as the platform for "Western Civilization", promoting sexual deviacy to create an "Animal House" type of enviornment in our society, "leveling the playing field" for Europeans in preparation.
The gods will enforce their positioning of xtianity/RomanCatholicChurch partnered with capitalism/UnitedStatesofAmerica. And we will realize when the gods execute the New Testiment prophecy under the guise of the perceived "one true religion", xtianity.
Two realities:::The god's positioning and the god's reality. The reality is children ascend into heaven upon repairing their relationship with the gods and fixing their evils from current and prior lives. The positioning will deliver "1000 years with Jesus on Earth", justified with scientific and medical advances, and only the TRUE believers in Jesus (are there any?) will have "everlasting life" (recolonize next Planet Earth and continue humanity's life cycle).
The gods offered Clues about my importance, who I am. They occurr on a weekly, even a DAILY basis. The tip of the iceberg is listed below::
Air France Concorde
Christa McAuliffe, Concord, NH
Carnaval's Costa Concordia
Concord:::In the "eye of The Beast"
Downey Savings
90s:: "He gets 4 years.", "(His chance is OVER!!)":::2.1.03 (SS Columbia) & 11.26.03 (Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde).
My miracle of Ocean Beach, witnessed by MILLIONS on the West Coast
Mt. Zion:::Slowly being eaten away until one day paradise is gone forever
Carry That Weight
Unit 731::TSUSHOGO
Zastava Koral
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